Wednesday, November 18, 2015


1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture? 
Simply put, aperture is a hole within a lens, through which light travels into the camera body. It is easier to understand the concept if you just think about our eyes. Every camera that we know of today is designed like human eyes.

2. Finish this sentence: The smaller the Aperture number, the bigger the Aperture opening.

3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field?  A large f-number will bring all foreground and background objects in focus, while a small f-number will isolate the foreground from the background by making the foreground objects sharp and the background blurry.

4. Using a class camera, list ALL of the F stops available on the lens currently attached. 18, 24, 35 and 55
5. What is the highest and smallest aperture numbers available on the kit lens? 18 and 55

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