Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Newspaper Design

  1. What is the name of your single favorite newspaper front page? Why is it your favorite?       
  2. Post an image of your favorite to your blog.
  3. What city and state is the paper from?
  4. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? 
  5. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 
  6. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc.
  7. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc.

Die Tageszeitung is my favorite because the front cover is really interesting and colorful. The newspaper is from Berlin, Germany. My favorite headline is the one with the big image. They are seven stories in the front page. The title is always at the top including the date, they include a big headline, and the are long. Some newspapers are just white and black, they have a lot of text, they have many picture, and they are smaller.

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