Friday, September 11, 2015

The DSLR Explained Tutorial

What happens when you move the Aperture slider to the LEFT?
  • Inside the Camera:The aperture is the size of the hole light passes through at the moment the photo is taken. A low f-number makes background blurry and allows more light into the camera 
  • To the Image: The image come out white  from to much light.  
What happens when you move the Aperture slider to the RIGHT?
  • Inside the Camera: A high F-number makes more things in focus but reduces the amount of light entering in the camera.
  • To the Image: The image comes out to dark  
What happens when you move the Shutter slider to the LEFT?
  • Inside the Camera: A fast shutter speed allows you to "freeze" action in a photo but reduces the income of light.
  • To the Image: Cause motion blur in the image and the image comes out white.
What happens when you move the Shutter slider to the RIGHT?
  • Inside the Camera: A slow shutter speed lets in more light.
  • To the Image: The image is too dark  
What happens when you move the ISO slider to the LEFT?
  • Inside the Camera: A high ISO speed requires less light but it creates a grainer image.
  • To the Image: The background is blurred out is only focus on the girl
What happens when you move the ISO slider to the RIGHT?
  • Inside the Camera: A low ISO speed produces a cleaner image but requires more light.
  • To the Image: The picture is too bright and the whole image is white 

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